
This is the personal site of Andrew Brogdon. I'm a software engineer working at Google, where I lead the developer relations team for Dart and Flutter, a motley assortment of engineers, tech writers, and program managers whom I'm lucky to work with.

If you arrived here, you probably bumped into me at a conference or saw a video/blog/project that I worked on. Welcome!

A few, mostly random, things about me.

I created this little guy using ImageFX for a keynote on Flutter and Generative AI. Gemini named him "Saucy Sheldon." 😀

Working with Andrew.

Connecting on the internets

I use LinkedIn and Bluesky (see links in the header) to connect with folks in the engineering community, particularly about Dart/Flutter and projects in the ecosystem. For whatever reason, giving out my email feels like telling someone my home address, so I tend to rely more on social media.

Connecting in person

I go to developer events like Google I/O, Fluttercon, and meetups as part of my job. If you see me at one, I'm in work mode, so please come up and say hello! My favorite thing in the world is meeting a new Flutter dev and watching them pull out their phone to show me an app they're proud of.


My way of learning a new language and/or UI framework is to code Reversi in it. Back in 2018 when I joined Flutter, I wrote this version (which is slightly janky due to the way isolates work on the web):